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How do I delete and edit a scene?

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TitleHow do I delete and edit a scene?
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To delete a Scene, do the following:

  1. On the Savant App Home View, tap Scenes.
  2. Find the Scene you want to start; on iOS, swipe left across its name. on Android, press and hold the Scene name.
  3. Tap Delete.
    The Savant App deletes the scene from your Savant Home.
To edit a Scene, do the following:
  1. On the Savant App Home View, tap Scenes in the top right corner or swipe left.
  2. Find the Scene you want to edit; on iOS, swipe left across its name. on Android, press and hold the Scene name.
  3. Tap Edit.
  4. Modify or remove services already included in the Scene from the center of the screen.
  5. And add new services to the Scene by tapping the + sign in the top right corner. 
  6. Tap Save after making all desired edits. 
URL NameHow-do-I-delete-and-edit-a-Scene